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Revision as of 15:30, 2 November 2005

tag meaning default
<authenticator> configures an authenticator
<bean configuration tag> configures a user bean (see Inversion of Control)
<case-insensitive> marks the environment as case-insensitive for URLs and filenames false
<character-encoding> UTF-8
<[class-loader]> configures the class loaders for the environment
<[ejb-server]> configures an EJB server or Amber
<env-entry> configures a [JNDI] constant
<[database]> configures a database
<[dependency]> adds a named file as a dependency to the environment
<[dependency-check-interval]> how often the environment should be checked for changes
<javac> configures the java compiler for internal compilation
<jndi-link> links an external [JNDI] reference to the local JNDI or renames a JNDI name
<log> configures the java.util.logging log
<reference>|configures a javax.naming.Reference object
<[resin:if|resin if]> configures a block conditionally
<[resin:import|resin import]> imports a file into the current tag
resin:message output a log message during configuration
<[resin:set|resin set]> sets a variable or jndi-value
<[resin choose|resin:choose]> selects one of a group of choices.
<resource> configures a user resource or bean (see [Inversion of Control])
<resource-deploy> configures a directory for .rar expansion
<stderr-log> redirects System.err
<stdout-log> redirects System.out
<system-property> sets a value of System.getProperty
<temp-dir> configures a temporary directory
<work-dir> WEB-INF/work
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