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Resin's <rewrite-dispatch> directive rewrites and dispatches rules similar to the Apache mod_rewrite module. It can appear in the <host> or the <web-app> directives.



The <rewrite-dispatch> directive tries each sub-directive in order for a regular expression match. The first matching directive redirects the request.

<rewrite-dispatch> may occur in a <host> or in a <web-app>.

Starting with Resin 3.0.19, <rewrite-dispatch> may also occur in the <server> block. The regexp in that case will be the entire URL, not just the path portion.


Since the rewrite rules are written in Resin's XML configuration files, XML escaping rules apply. In particular a & character must be escaped with &amp;

302 Redirecting a URL

To redirect a URL with a HTTP 302 redirect use:

  <redirect regexp='^/foo' target='/bar'/>

301 Permanently Move a URL

To redirect a URL with a HTTP 301 moved-permanently use:

  <moved-permanently regexp='^/foo' target='/bar'/>

(requires Resin 3.0.18)

Forwarding a URL

To internally forward a URL to a target using the Servlet forward() call use:

  <forward regexp='^/foo' target='/bar'/>

403 Forbidden

To send a HTTP 403 forbidden message for a URL, use:

  <forbidden regexp="^/foo"/>

404 Not Found

To send a HTTP 404 Not Found message for a URL, use:

  <not-found regexp="^/foo"/>

410 Gone

To send a HTTP 410 Gone message for a URL, use:

  <gone regexp="^/foo"/>
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