PHP implementation status

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=== Implemented functions ===
=== Implemented functions ===
get_class, get_declared_classes, get_object_vars, is_object, method_exists
class_exists, get_class, get_declared_classes, get_object_vars, is_a, is_object, method_exists
=== Unimplemented functions ===
=== Unimplemented functions ===
call_user_method, call_user_method_array, class_exists, get_class_methods, get_class_vars, get_declared_interfaces, interface_exists, is_a, is_subclass_of, property_exists
call_user_method, call_user_method_array, get_class_methods, get_class_vars, get_declared_interfaces, interface_exists, is_subclass_of, property_exists
== XXII. [ Date and Time Functions] ==
== XXII. [ Date and Time Functions] ==
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=== Implemented Functions ===
=== Implemented Functions ===
date, getdate, gmdate, gmmktime, microtime, mktime, strtotime (partial), time
date, getdate, gettimeofday, gmdate, gmmktime, microtime, mktime, strftime, strtotime (partial), time
=== Unimplemented Functions ===
=== Unimplemented Functions ===
checkdate, date_default_timezone_get, date_default_timezone_set, date_sunrise, date_sunset, gettimeofday, gmstrftime, idate, localtime, strftime, strptime
checkdate, date_default_timezone_get, date_default_timezone_set, date_sunrise, date_sunset, gmstrftime, idate, localtime, strptime
== XXIX. [ Directory Functions] ==
== XXIX. [ Directory Functions] ==
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=== Implemented Functions ===
=== Implemented Functions ===
getimagesize (.png only)
getimagesize (.png, .gif, .jpg only)
== LXX. [ Mail Functions] ==
== LXX. [ Mail Functions] ==
Line 135: Line 135:
=== Implemented Functions ===
=== Implemented Functions ===
preg_match, preg_match_all, preg_quote, preg_replace, preg_replace_callback, preg_split
preg_grep, preg_match, preg_match_all, preg_quote, preg_replace, preg_replace_callback, preg_split
=== Unimplemented Functions ===
== CXIV. [ Options and Information] ==
== CXIV. [ Options and Information] ==
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=== Implemented Functions ===
=== Implemented Functions ===
ereg_replace, ereg, eregi_replace, eregi, split
ereg_replace, ereg, eregi_replace, eregi, split, spliti
=== Unimplemented Functions ===
=== Unimplemented Functions ===
spliti, sql_regcase
== CXX. [ Program Execution] ==
== CXX. [ Program Execution] ==

Revision as of 00:36, 25 February 2006



II. Apache Functions

Implemented functions

apache_child_terminate (stub), apache_note, apache_request_headers, apache_reset_timeout (stub), getallheaders, virtual

Unimplemented functions

apache_get_modules, apache_get_version, apache_getenv, apache_lookup_uri, apache_response_headers, apache_setenv, ascii2ebcdic, ebcdic2ascii,

V. Array Functions

Unimplemented functions


XII. Class/Object Functions

Implemented functions

class_exists, get_class, get_declared_classes, get_object_vars, is_a, is_object, method_exists

Unimplemented functions

call_user_method, call_user_method_array, get_class_methods, get_class_vars, get_declared_interfaces, interface_exists, is_subclass_of, property_exists

XXII. Date and Time Functions

Implemented Functions

date, getdate, gettimeofday, gmdate, gmmktime, microtime, mktime, strftime, strtotime (partial), time

Unimplemented Functions

checkdate, date_default_timezone_get, date_default_timezone_set, date_sunrise, date_sunset, gmstrftime, idate, localtime, strptime

XXIX. Directory Functions


XXXII. Error Handling and Logging

Implemented Functions

set_error_handler, restore_error_handler, trigger_error, user_error

Unimplemented Functions

debug_backtrace, debug_print_backtrace, error_log, error_reporting, restore_exception_handler, set_exception_handler

XXXVIII. Filesystem Functions

Unimplemented Functions

disk_free_space (stub), disk_total_space (stub), flock (stub), fnmatch, fseek, fstat, ftell, ftruncate, glob, link, linkinfo, lstat, parse_ini_file, pathinfo, pclose, popen, readfile, readlink, realpath, rewind, symlink (stub), umask (stub)

XLIV. Function Handling Functions

Implemented Functions

call_user_func_array, call_user_func, create_function, get_defined_functions, func_get_arg, func_get_args, func_num_args, register_shutdown_function

Unimplemented Functions

register_tick_function, unregister_tick_function

L. HTTP Functions

Implemented Functions

header, headers_sent, setcookie

Unimplemented Functions

headers_list, setrawcookie

LVIII. Image Functions

Implemented Functions

getimagesize (.png, .gif, .jpg only)

LXX. Mail Functions

Implemented Functions

mail (requires JavaMail)

Unimplemented Functions


LXXV. Mcrypt


LXXXI. Misc Functions

Implemented Functions

constant, define, defined, die, eval, exit, uniqid

Unimplemented Functions

connection_aborted, connection_status, connection_timeout, get_browser, __halt_compiler, highlight_file, highlight_string, ignore_user_abort, pack, php_check_syntax, php_strip_whitespace, show_source, sleep, time_nanosleep, time_sleep_until, unpack, usleep

LXXXIX Mysql Functions

Unimplemented Functions

mysql_change_user, mysql_info, mysql_list_processes, mysql_thread_id

XCI. Mysql Improved

Unimplemented Functions

mysqli_debug, mysqli_disable_reads_from_master, mysqli_disable_rpl_parse, mysqli_info, mysqli_kill, mysqli_master_query, mysqli_report, mysqli_rpl_parse_enabled, mysqli_rpl_probe, mysqli_rpl_query_type, mysqli_send_long_data, mysqli_send_query, mysqli_server_end, mysqli_server_init, mysqli_ssl_set, mysqli_stmt_send_long_data, mysqli_thread_id, mysqli_thread_safe

CVI. Output Control Functions

Implemented Functions

flush, ob_clean, ob_end_clean, ob_end_flush, ob_get_clean, ob_get_contents, ob_get_length, ob_implicit_flush, ob_start

Unimplemented Functions

ob_flush, ob_get_flush,, ob_get_level, ob_get_status, ob_gzhandler, ob_list_handlers, output_add_rewrite_var, output_reset_rewrite_vars

CXI. Regexp (Perl)

Implemented Functions

preg_grep, preg_match, preg_match_all, preg_quote, preg_replace, preg_replace_callback, preg_split

CXIV. Options and Information

Implemented Functions

assert, extension_loaded, get_cfg_var, get_defined_constants, get_extension_funcs, ini_alter, ini_get, ini_set, php_sapi_name, php_uname, phpinfo, phpversion, set_magic_quotes_runtime, set_time_limit,

Unimplemented Functions

assert_options, dl (stub), get_current_user, get_include_path, get_included_files, get_loaded_extensions, get_magic_quotes_gpc, get_magic_quotes_runtime, get_required_files, getenv, getlastmod, getmygid, getmyinode, getmypid, getmyuid, getopt, getrusage, ini_get_all, ini_restore, memory_get_usage, php_ini_scanned_files, php_logo_gid, phpcredits, putenv, restore_include_path, zend_logo_gid, zend_version

CXVI. Regexp (POSIX)

Implemented Functions

ereg_replace, ereg, eregi_replace, eregi, split, spliti

Unimplemented Functions


CXX. Program Execution

Implemented Functions

exec, system

Unimplemented Functions

escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd, passthru, proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_open, proc_terminate, shell_exec

CXXXVII. Session Handling


CXLIX. String Functions

Unimplemented Functions

convert_cyr_string, fprintf, hebrev, hebrevc, htmlspecialchars_decode, levelshtein, localeconv, metaphone, money_format, nl_langinfo, quoted_printable_decode, similar_text, soundex, str_ireplace, str_word_count, strcspn, stripcslases, strncasecmp, strpbrk, strtok, substr_compare, substr_count, vfprintf

CLVI. URL Functions

Implemented Functions

base64_decode, base64_encode, parse_url, rawurlencode,

Unimplemented Functions

get_headers, get_meta_tags, http_build_query, rawurldecode, urlencode, urldecode

CLVII. Variable Handling

Implemented Functions

debug_zval_dump, doubleval, empty, floatval, get_defined_vars, intval, is_array, is_bool, is_callable, is_double, is_float, is_int, is_integer, is_null, is_numeric, is_real, is_resource, is_string, isset, print_r, serialize, strval, unserialize, unset, var_dump, var_export

Unimplemented Functions

get_resource_type, import_request_variables, is_object, is_scalar, settype

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