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The minimal resin.conf has a single virtual host and a single web-app. The web-app's directory is in -server-root/docs.


See Also

<resin> <server> <http> <server-id> <resin import> app-default.xml <host> <root-directory> <web-app> <document-directory>

minimal resin.conf

<resin xmlns=""

  <log name="" level="info" path="stdout:"/>

    <http server-id="" host="*" port="8080"/>

    <resin:import path="${resin.home}/conf/app-default.xml"/>

    <host id="" root-directory=".">
      <web-app id="/" document-directory="docs"/>

command line and -server-root

unix> bin/ -server-root /var/www -conf conf/resin.conf

The -server-root argument specifies the main directory for the Resin instance. In this example, the document directory is in _/var/www/docs_.

As an alternative, either the <server> or the <host> can specify the actual <root-directory>, e.g. Template:Root-directory="/var/www". Using the command line adds some flexibility, but also makes the resin.conf more difficult to read as a standalone file.



The <resin> tag is the top-level tag for the resin.conf.

xmlns and xmlns:resin

The xmlns and xmlns:resin tags define the XML namespaces for the resin.conf. These namespaces are important for the configuration file validation.


The <server> configures a Resin server. Each <server> listens to TCP ports (usually HTTP) and defines a number of [virtual hosts].

Although it is possible to have multiple <server> items, most sites will only use a single <server>.


The <http> tag tells Resin to listen to a HTTP port and interface.

<resin import>

The <resin import> imports a secondary XML file into the current configuration. In this case, the <resin:import> reads in the standard <[server]> configuration from [app-default.xml].


app-default.xml is a critical import file which defines the JSP servlet, the file servlet, and defines WEB-INF/classes, WEB-INF/lib, WEB-INF/resin-web.xml and WEB-INF/web.xml.

Without the import of app-default.xml, most of the expected Web Application behavior will not occur.


The <host> tag defines a virtual hosts. The <host> tag is required, otherwise Resin will simply return 404 Not Found messages.


The <root-directory> of a <host> specifies the virtual host's directory. If the path is relative, the root-directory will be relative to the <server> root-directory.

(If the <server> root-directory is unspecified, it defaults to -server-root.)


The <web-app> tag defines a Web Application.

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