Install FAQ

From Resin 3.0

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Where can I put .jar files so that they are available to all of my web applications?

I have some jar files that are used by all of my web applications. Where can I put them so that I do not have to put them in WEB-INF/lib for every web application that I have?

  1. Make the directory $RESIN_HOME/ext-lib
  2. Place the jars files that will be available to all of your web applications in $RESIN_HOME/ext-lib, for example $RESIN_HOME/extlib/hogwarts.jar

Any jar file in $RESIN_HOME/ext-lib will be available to all of the web applications.

Resin will also find jars in subdirectories, so you can put your jars in for example $RESIN_HOME/ext-lib/local/hogwarts.jar. If you use the local/ subdirectory, when you upgrade to a new version of Resin you can just copy the local subdirectory over to the new $RESIN_HOME/ext-lib.

Some jars are not classloader-aware (e.g. using static fields improperly). For those libraries, you will need to put them in $RESIN_HOME/ext-webapp-lib instead.

What happened to bin/resin?

With Resin 2.1 used to run make; make install and then use the binary bin/resin to start Resin, but in Resin 3.0 I can't find the binary. What happened to it?

Resin 2.1 used the bin/resin binary to enable two features: JNI usage (including OpenSSL) and to support <user-name> and <group-name> for switching the effective user id of the process after attaching to ports under 1024.

Resin now uses the JNI library from within Java. You don't need a compiled binary to get at the JNI code (that was bin/resin in 2.1.x). So, the java process starts up and then hooks into the JNI libraries. Resin uses JNI for:

  • OpenSSL
  • low level system calls, for things like socket connections etc. (for performance reasons).
  • setuid for unix
  • profiling and heap analysis

So Resin can run without the JNI libraries, it just won't be as fast as Resin.

<user-name> and <group-name> support no longer need the resin binary either.

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