Command line option

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Java command line options

option description
-Jxxx passes xxx to the JVM
-Xxxx passes the -Xxxx configuration to the JVM
-Dfoo=bar sets the JVM system property `foo' to the value `bar'
-J-verbosegc turns on JVM garbage collection information (recommended)
-Xdebug enable HotSwap class reloading (recommended)
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=9080,server=y,suspend=n allow remote debugger to attach to port 9080, useful for IDE integration

Memory Settings

option description
-J-verbosegc turns on JVM garbage collection information (recommended)
-Xmx256m set the maximum heap size (recommended)
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m the maximum size of the permanent space (recommended)

The default values for -Xmx and -XX:MaxPermSize are generally too low for a normal deployment.

Resin command line options

option description
-conf conf/resin.conf specifies the resin.conf file
-server id sets the resin.server_id value
-resin-home dir sets the resin.home value
-server-root dir establishes the root directory for server files and documents, sets the resin.root value
-pid file sets the pid file

See Also

Garbage Collection

Personal tools