Cluster tag

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[Clustering and Load Balancing|Cluster] configuration documentation is at [config/balance.xtp@resin-doc].

h3. <cluster> tag

||tag||description||default |id|unique identifier of the cluster|"" |cluster-ref|use the values from a cluster-definition tag |client-live-time|how long the load-balancer should keep an idle socket open|30s |client-dead-time|how long the load-balancer should treat a backend as dead|30s |client-read-timeout|timeout of load-balancer reads|30s |client-write-timeout|timeout of load-balancer writes |<[srun]>|configures an srun port


<cluster-definition> tag

tag description default
id unique identifier of the cluster definition ""
client-live-time how long the load-balancer should keep an idle socket open 30s
client-dead-time how long the load-balancer should treat a backend as dead 30s
client-read-timeout timeout of load-balancer reads 30s
client-write-timeout timeout of load-balancer writes
<srun> configures an srun port


Clustering and load balancing is configured in a <cluster> tag inside the <server> block of the resin.conf.

A cluster with two machines might look like:


<resin xmlns="">

    <srun id="a" host="" port="6802"/>
    <srun id="b" host="" port="6803"/>


Load Balancing Timeouts

Load balancing has two sets of time outs, one set from the client (front-end) perspective, and one set from the server (back-end) perspective.

The client timeouts are configured directly in the <cluster> tag. The server timeouts are configured in the individual <srun> tags.

client-read-timeout How long the frontend should wait on a read before timing out 60s
client-write-timeout How long the frontend should wait on a write before timing out 60s
client-live-time How long the frontend should keep a socket alive before discarding it 60s
client-dead-time How long the frontend should treat a backend as dead before retrying 15s



  <srun id="a" host="" port="6802"/>

The server timeouts specify how long the backend will wait for new data from a frontend before giving up. This timeout should be longer than the client-live-time.

read-timeout How long the backend should wait on a read before timing out 30s
write-timeout How long the backend should wait on a write before timing out 30s


  <srun id="c" host="" port="6802" read-timeout="120s"/>

See Also

Clustering and Load Balancing

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