Admin: Postmortem

From Resin 3.0

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When Resin restarts or crashes for an unknown reason, you can use the postmortem analysis to get a better understanding of what was happening in the server just before the crash.


Resin's internal health check is graphed for the hour before the crash. The values are reported as numbers: OK is zero, Warning is one, and Fail is two. If any health check is two before the restart, then Resin restarted to protect itself from a fatal error.

If the graph shows zero for the whole time period, then Resin itself did not detect any problems just before the crash.

HTTP Request Count

The HTTP request count measures the number of HTTP requests just before the restart. Each count is a the number of requests per minute. An unusually high number of requests might indicate a security attack or a load-balancer failure. For example, the load balancer directing too many requests to this server.

A low count might be an indication of a deadlock.

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