Quercus FAQ

From Resin 3.0

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java.io.CharConversionException: illegal utf8 encoding at 0x64

java.io.CharConversionException: illegal utf8 encoding at 0x64
  at com.caucho.vfs.i18n.UTF8Reader.read(UTF8Reader.java:109)
  at com.caucho.vfs.i18n.UTF8Reader.read(UTF8Reader.java:177)
  at com.caucho.quercus.env.StringBuilderValue.append(StringBuilderValue.java:8\

Quercus defaults to UTF-8 encoding for php applications. Some PHP applications use another encoding, often ISO-8859-1.

To configure the web application to use ISO-8859-1 encoding, add a res\ in-web.xml file in the ${resin.home}/webapps/WEBAPPNAME/WEB-INF directory. The resin-web.xml file configures QuercusServlet to parse .php files using ISO-8859-1 encoding, and to use ISO--8859-1 when converting binary \ data to strings.


<web-app xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin">
  <servlet-mapping url-pattern="*.php"

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource

A link to the server could not be established
... java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource

This message is an indication that the php application is using a MySQL databas\ e, but the database driver has not been installed. The <a href="http://caucho.com/resin/doc/quercus-overview.xtp#databases">Using databases</a> section of the documentation contains download links and installation instructions for MySQL.

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