How to track log messages by thread

From Resin 3.0

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Main article: log

Since Resin is a multithreaded program, logging messages from many requests and threads are serialized in the log files. In some cases, it it useful to keep track of the log messages for a single thread.

The format attribute in the <log> tag lets you customize the log message to include the thread id The format is a string with interpolated EL expressions specifying the format. The value ${log.threadId} adds a thread identifier to the message, while ${log.message} returns the log message.

So an example format might be

 <log name="" level="finer" path="log/debug.log"
        format="<${log.threadId}> ${log.message}"/>

The output might look like:

[14:54:00.526] <11> [1] GET /test/hello_java.jsp HTTP/1.1
[14:54:00.528] <11> [1] Remote-IP:
[14:54:00.528] <11> [1] Accept: */*
[14:54:00.529] <11> [1] Accept-Language: en
[14:54:00.529] <11> [1] Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
[14:54:00.532] <11> [1] User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/417.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/417.8
[14:54:00.533] <11> [1] Connection: keep-alive
[14:54:00.534] <11> [1] Host: localhost:8080
[14:54:00.557] <11> invoke (uri:/hello_java.jsp -> resin-jsp)
[14:54:00.576] <11> uri:/hello_java.jsp(cp:/test,app:/Users/ferg/ws/test-resin/webapps/test) -> /Users/ferg/ws/test-resin/webapps/test/hello_java.jsp
[14:54:00.723] <11> loading pre-compiled page for /hello_java.jsp
[14:54:00.767] <11> [1] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[14:54:00.767] <11> [1] Content-Type: text/html
[14:54:00.767] <11> [1] Transfer-Encoding: chunked
[14:54:00.768] <11> [1] write-chunk(7)
[14:54:00.769] <11> [1] keepalive
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