Quercus: Mediawiki

From Resin 3.0

Revision as of 17:09, 10 January 2006 by Ferg (Talk | contribs)
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  1. unpack mediawiki in webapps/wiki
  2. modify languages/Language.php to work around JDBC mysql driver bug
  3. add resin-web.xml
  4. start Resin and browse to http://localhost:8080/wiki

modifications to mediawiki

First, you will need to modify languages/Language.php in the mediawiki distribution. This is to work around a but in the JDBC driver.

It's important to do this first, because initializing the database with the buggy code will make it very difficult to fix later.

In the Languages.php, you need to remove the "\\\'" strings, i.e. 3 backslashes followed by a single quote. There are three instances. Two "you\\\'re" and one "can\\\'t".

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