From Resin 3.0
(The Struts2/Resin-IoC capability requires Resin 3.1.5)
Struts2 can work with Resin-IoC to enable all Struts actions with WebBeans-style injection. Your MyAction class can use the WebBeans @In and @Named annotations to retrieve beans defined in the resin-web.xml.
Optionally, you can define action classes as beans in the resin-web.xml to enable extra configuration if necessary.
The MyAction might look like:
package example; import javax.webbeans.*; public class MyAction { @Named("wiki") DataSource _database; ... }
To enable Resin-IoC with Struts, you'll need to copy the resin/ext/resin-support.jar to either WEB-INF/lib or resin/ext-webapp. And you'll need to create or modify WEB-INF/classes/ as follows:
# Tell struts to ask Resin for new action instances struts.objectFactory = com.caucho.xwork2.ResinObjectFactory
That's it. No other configuration is required to enable your actions for Resin-IoC.