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The JdbcAuthenticator uses a database to store user authentication.

<init> directives

directive description
cookie-auth-query Sets a query for cookie-based authentication
cookie-auth-update Sets the update SQL for cookie-based authentication
cookie-domain Sets the domain value for cookie-based authentication
cookie-logout If true remove cookie on logout
cookie-max-age Sets the max-age value for cookie-based authentication
cookie-version Sets the cookie version for cookie-based authentication
data-source Specifies the configured <database> required
logout-on-session-timeout If true, principals should be logged out when a session times out true
password-digest Password digest type of form: MD5-base64 MD5-base64
password-digest-algorithm Sets the password digest algorithm MD5
password-digest-realm Sets the realm to use for the digest resin
password-query Sets a custom password query
principal-cache-size Size of the principal cache 4096
role-query Specifies the query to test for a role
use-cookie If true, use the resinauth cookie



<web-app xmlns="http://caucho.com/ns/resin">
  <database jndi-name="java:comp/env/jdbc/test">
    <driver type="org.postgresql.Driver">


Here is how this needs to be configured for FORM authentication:

     <authenticator type='com.caucho.server.security.JdbcAuthenticator'>
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