User talk:Alan2200

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Revision as of 04:03, 9 December 2008 by Alan2200 (Talk | contribs)
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What's it like to level a Priest in WoW?

There are lots of reasons you might want to play a Priest. Perhaps you like the idea of smiting your enemies (sure, you can pick fights with any class, but you have to be a Priest to do any literal smiting). Perhaps you want to melt faces (no class does it better!). Perhaps you want to help your groupmates by providing healing (Vampiric Embrace is healing, right?). Or maybe you enjoy the god-like feeling of being completely in control of which members of your party live or die. Priests aren't the fastest levelers, no matter how you spec them. When you do WoW power leveling 40, you'll find your Priest to kill and advance more slowly than average. After World of Warcraft Power leveling 40, a Shadow Priest can pick up shadowform -- and the increase in both damage and survivability results in a noticeable improvement in wow powerleveling speed. However, even if you want to stick with a healing build, healing Priests have the abilities (and talent options) to solo at a reasonable pace. (It's still slower than average, but it's completely doable.) A healing Priest may also be able to do a good amount of Wrath of the Lich King Power Leveling in dungeons or in groups, which you may find faster and more efficient than wow powerleveling solo. However, this is completely dependent on the quality of the group �??WOTLK Power Leveling up with friends will be fast and fun, while World of Warcraft powerleveling up with PuGs will be slow and agonizing.

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