Switching to Resin

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Wondering if Resin is right for you and your application? The following table can give some guidance based on your current application or development environment.

Current Application Status Action Next steps
Application developed on Resin or Tomcat, deployed to WLS or WAS Migrate to Resin Resin is used in production for highly demanding and heavy load sites. Migrating production deployment to Resin is fast and familiar to developers.
Application uses Servlets, JSPs, or frameworks like Spring, Struts, or Wicket Migrate to Resin Resin is known for its fast Servlet and JSP implementations that offer lightweight, low complexity, yet enterprise-ready stability and reliability
Next generation of the application will use JavaEE 6 Web Profile technologies like CDI or EJB 3.1 Lite Migrate to Resin Resin is a Java EE 6 Web Profile licensee and has high quality early access implementations of CDI (Resin CanDI) and EJB 3.1 Lite that are fully integrated into the application server.
Application uses clustered sessions for improved reliability Migrate to Resin Resin's Clustering implementation offers high reliability, easy configuration, and dynamic clustering for both internal and external cloud deployments
Application integrates or runs side-by-side with PHP applications Migrate to Resin with Quercus Resin include Quercus, Caucho Technology's reimplementation of PHP, written in Java. With Quercus, PHP applications can integrate and/or run side-by-side with Java application in the same container, often with vastly improved performance.
Application testing environment uses an embedded server such as Jetty or Tomcat Migrate to Resin Resin offers a sophisticated embedded test environment that allows not only HTTP request-style testing, but also unit testing for EJB and CDI components.
Application uses Remote EJB, EJB 2 features, or clustered EJBs Modify application Applications using these older EJB technologies may need to refactor to use alternate techiques.
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