Resin Cloud deployment with Amazon

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This tutorial is going to cover the basics of using Resin with Amazon Web Services for cloud deployment. You wil create an EC2 instance. You will download and install Resin on Ubuntu on a local machine. You will install Resin on an Amazon Linux AMI instance (EC2 instance). You will use Roo to create a simple application and deploy it.

We use Roo because Spring is fairly widely used, and Roo is a quick way to generate a sample app. Future tutorials will use other common Java tools as well as show you how to configure and manage a complete Resin cluster. Think of this as the first tutorial in a series of tutorials.

For this tutorial you will need Resin 4.0.24 or later. Check back periodically because as we are going to expand the tutorial and improve Resin's support of cloud deployments. The Resin engineering team plans on improving cloud support continuously.

Many of the steps in this tutorial would be similar even if you were using Eucalyptus, CloudStack with CloudBridge, RightScale myCloud or even OpenNebula this guide should help you along as they all support the Amazon EC2 REST APIs. Also any cloud computing environment (private or public, on premises or hosted) will have similar characteristics. Thus even if you are using a private cloud using OpenStack like Project Olympus, this principles will be the same. In fact even using remote servers deployed in a datacenter or virtualized servers with Xen Server, Xen Cloud or VMWare vSphere.

For this tutorial we expect you are familiar with starting, and stoping Amazon WS instances. If you are not, go through this tutorial form Amazon WS. You will need an Amazon WS account. Of course if you have....

In progress...

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