
From Resin 3.0

Revision as of 16:18, 30 November 2005 by Ferg (Talk | contribs)
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The <host> tag can use any Environment configuration item. The host is allowed in the <server> tag. The host configuration can occur in the <host> tag or in a <host-default> or <host-deploy> tag.

tag meaning default
Environment Any Environment configuration tag is allowed in the host
access-log Host-specific access logging
document-directory A default document-directory for child web-apps.
ear-default Default configuration for .ear files
ear-deploy Configures an .ear deployment directory
error-page Custom error pages for unhandled error codes
host-alias an alias virtual host name for this host
host-alias-regexp a regular expression of host name aliases for the host
host-name the canonical host name
id configures the unique host identifier
regexp creates virtual hosts based on a regular expression
rewrite-dispatch rewrites URLs and can redirect or return error codes
root-directory specifies the virtual hosts's root directory
redeploy-mode configures the hot-deployment redeploy mode
startup-mode configures the hot-deployment startup mode
web-app-deploy configures a web-app deployment directory (webapps)
web-app-default configures host-wide defaults for all web-applications
web-app directly configures child web-apps

<resin xmlns=""
  <host host-name=""

    <resin:import path="host.xml"/>

    <access-log path-format="logs/%Y-%m/access.log.%Y-%m-%d

    <web-app-deploy path="webapps"/>
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