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The Resin Eclipse plugin is available on the Caucho Eclipse update site at It is based on the WTP framework and features deployment modes for Resin 3.1 and 4.0.


Deployment styles

  • .war file (default) - the plugin builds a .war file of your project, then starts Resin and copies the .war to the live deploy directory.
  • Temporary directory - the plugin builds a .war file of your project, then starts Resin and copies the .war to a temporary deploy directory.
  • In-place - the plugin starts Resin, then points it to server your project directly out of the workspace.
  • Hot-deploy - (Resin 4.0 only) the plugin builds a .war file of your project, then starts Resin and uses Resin's Git deployment functionality to deploy

Options for configuration

  • The very basic configuration that's included with the plugin itself
  • The configuration in the "conf" subdirectory of the Resin home
  • A configuration somewhere else in the file system (e.g. /etc/resin).

If you're starting a new project and don't need to do anything fancy, the first option is recommended, copying the configuration from the plugin. If you do need to use a custom configuration, you may need to modify it to recognize the variables that the plugin sets at runtime. The dialog box tells you what these variables are and how to set them, depending on which server profile you use.


Eclipse must be run with a JDK, not a JRE.


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