Admin: Graphs

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The Graphs tab in the /resin-admin gives you a view of the meter data collected by Resin across the cluster. The Statistics service that gathers the Meter data is available in Resin Professional.

Graph Browsing

When looking at the server statistics, you first need to select meters to display. Resin's meters are the statistics data streams gathered every minute and stored by the triad servers. Some meters are JMX attributes collected over time, and others record data from Resin's embedded sensors.

Selecting a meter will add the meter to the graph. Once you've selected a group of meters, you can save them as a named meter set using meter save.

Meter Names

Meter names follow a standard convention: "00|Author|Group|Name". The "00" is the server index in the cluster. Author is soemthing like "JVM", "OS", or "Resin", or "MyCom" for custom meters.

Server Groups

Graphs for servers in the cluster can be displayed in three basic modes: single server, one graph, or multiple graphs. In the single graph mode, each meter for each server has its own graph line. In the multiple graph mode, each server gets its own graph. The multiple-graph mode is more useful comparisons across the cluster.

Cookbook: setting up a thread graph

  1. First, clear all the meters by clicking the "Clear Meters" button on the right.
  2. Next, open the "JVM|Thread" group to find the recorded data from the JVM's own thread count.
  3. Select "JVM Thread Count". You should see a graph of the JVM's thread count in the graph. You can use the "Time" selector to change the timescale to use.
  4. Open the "Resin|Thread" group for the meters in Resin's own thread pool.
  5. Select all the meters in the "Resin|Thread" group. You should see a graph with about 4 lines visible and the rest at zero.
  6. Type "threads" in the Meter Save Name form and select "Save Meters". Saving the meters will add "threads" as a predefined meter group in the Meters selection at the top.
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