From Resin 3.0
Contents |
Just getting the wordpress tests running on zend php was a challenge in itself. Ran into the following problems:
- any fatal failure prevents rest of tests from running
- does not list the currently running test nor file
- some tests are using new wordpress features not checked into trunk
- some tests have recent input data changes, but expected outputs were not updated in tandem
- hopeless trying to run tests on non-trunk wordpress-3.3.1
All in all, I had to delete about 70 borked tests.
Wordpress test suite
Running wordpress tests on zend php
- svn checkout
- sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini
- curl | sudo php
- update php.ini - yes
- add pear to PATH (optional)
- sudo pear channel-discover
- sudo pear install phpunit/PHPUnit
- cp wordpress-tests/wp-config-sample.php wordpress-tests/wp-config.php
- edit wp-config.php with test database settings
- delete the bad tests from wordpress-tests/wp-testcase/test-xmlrpc-api
- php wordpress-tests php -l
Wordpress test results
zend php - wordpress trunk
Tests: 758, Assertions: 4684, Failures: 60, Skipped: 41.
php classes used by PHPUnit
- Countable
- DOMXPath
- Exception
- InvalidArgumentException
- ReflectionClass
- ReflectionMethod
- ReflectionObject
- ReflectionProperty
- RuntimeException
- SOAPClient
php functions used by PHPUnit
- TestCase
- abs
- accept
- addFileToBlacklist
- addFileToWhitelist
- addcslashes
- appendChild
- argument
- array_key_exists
- array_keys
- array_merge
- array_pop
- array_push
- array_reverse
- array_shift
- array_unique
- array_unshift
- array_values
- attach
- basename
- bin2hex
- call_user_func_array
- className
- class_exists
- clearstatcache
- constant
- debug_backtrace
- define
- defined
- dirname
- dump
- each
- empty
- error_reporting
- escapeshellcmd
- eval
- exception
- exit
- fclose
- fflush
- file
- file_exists
- file_get_contents
- file_iterator_autoload
- file_put_contents
- filter
- fopen
- fsockopen
- func_get_args
- func_num_args
- fwrite
- getAttribute
- getClass
- getCode
- getConstructor
- getDeclaringClass
- getDefaultValue
- getDocComment
- getElementsByTagName
- getEndLine
- getExtensionName
- getFile
- getFileName
- getFilesAsArray
- getInfo
- getLine
- getMethod
- getParameters
- getParentClass
- getProperty
- getStartLine
- getStaticProperties
- getTrace
- getValue
- get_class
- get_class_methods
- get_declared_classes
- get_defined_vars
- get_include_path
- get_included_files
- gettype
- handler
- hasProperty
- htmlspecialchars
- in_array
- ini_set
- interface_exists
- isAbstract
- isCloneable
- isConstructor
- isFinal
- isInstantiable
- isPublic
- isStatic
- isUserDefined
- is_array
- is_bool
- is_callable
- is_dir
- is_double
- is_file
- is_float
- is_infinite
- is_int
- is_integer
- is_nan
- is_null
- is_numeric
- is_object
- is_readable
- is_resource
- is_scalar
- is_string
- isset
- item
- iterator_count
- join
- json_encode
- libxml_get_errors
- libxml_use_internal_errors
- list
- loadHTML
- loadXML
- mb_convert_encoding
- method_exists
- microtime
- min
- newInstance
- newInstanceArgs
- normalizeDocument
- notifyMethod
- ob_end_clean
- ob_get_clean
- ob_get_contents
- ob_start
- ord
- php_codecoverage_autoload
- php_invoker_autoload
- php_timer_autoload
- php_tokenstream_autoload
- phpunit_dbunit_autoload
- phpunit_selenium_autoload
- phpunit_story_autoload
- preg_match
- print_r
- proc_close
- realpath
- removeChild
- removeFileFromBlacklist
- removeFileFromWhitelist
- render
- reset
- resourceUsage
- restore_error_handler
- saveXML
- serialize
- setCacheTokens
- setlocale
- settype
- sfYamlDumper
- sizeof
- sort
- spl_object_hash
- start
- stream_get_contents
- stream_resolve_include_path
- stripos
- strlen
- strpos
- strstr
- strtolower
- strtoupper
- substr
- substr_count
- substr_replace
- suite
- sys_get_temp_dir
- testMethod
- text_template_autoload
- trait_exists
- trim
- ucfirst
- unlink
- unserialize
- unset
- utf8_encode
- var_export
- version_compare
- withAnyParamers