Quercus: linode
From Resin 3.0
Running Quercus hosted by linode.com
- Obtain an account from linode.com
- Log in to the account and create an Ubuntu image
- Log into your linode and install the following packages:
apt-get ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard sun-java6-jdk mysql-server postfix
- Download Resin Open Source [1]
wget http://www.caucho.com/download/resin-3.1.6.tar.gz
- Untar Resin into /usr/local/share
- Create a link from /usr/local/share/resin to the Resin directory
- Edit /usr/local/share/resin/conf/resin.conf to change the host-deploy directory:
<host-deploy path="/var/www/hosts">
- Create a host directory: /var/www/hosts/<host-name>
- Download Drupal:
wget http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/drupal/files/projects/drupal-6.2.tar.gz
- Untar Drupal in /var/www/hosts/<host-name>
- Create a database for Drupal in MySQL
mysql -u root > CREATE DATABASE drupal;
- Browse to your host and configure Drupal as directed.