Debug logging

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Resin provides a number of diagnostic messages using the JDK logging facility. Full debug logging is enabled with an empty name (meaning match all names) and a level of 'finer'. Since this will produce many messages, it is useful to put the messages in a a seperate file.


Full debug logging of the server and all applications

To the console

  <log name="" level="finer" path="stdout:"/>

To a file

The following configuration creates a debug log for each day, and when a problem occurs the debug log is used to help find out what the problem is. Since the <log> entry is in resin.conf, the log will capture messages from the server itself and all applications. The resulting log messages are found in the file $RESIN_HOME/log/debug.log.

Full debug logging of the server to $RESIN_HOME/log/debug.log

  <log name="" level="finer" path="log/debug.log"/>

More specific areas can be targetted with appropriate values for name. The documentation for log provides a table of useful values for name.

Full debug logging of one web application

Often you can narrow down the logging requirements to a single web application. The log entry can be placed in web.xml and only log messages from that web application will get logged.

To the console

  <log name="" level="finer" path="stdout:"/>

To a file

The following configuration creates a debug log for each day in <web-app-root>/WEB-INF/work/debug.log.

Full debug logging of one application to <web-app-root>/WEB-INF/work/debug.log

  <log name="" level="finer" path="WEB-INF/work/debug.log"/>
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